Machinery distributors

We distribute machinery for your business: Coffee makers, coffee grinders, water purifiers, etc. We work with the Nuova Simonelli and Grupo Solera brands.

Delsams provides you with coffee machines, coffee grinders and water purifiers - functional and with maximum performance - from the Nuova Simonelli and Grupo Solera brands.

Delsams also sells accessories and complements for the hospitality and event industry, such as coffee cups and saucers, metal filters with trays, plastic cups, mixing sticks, etc. Delsams has a coffee school so that you can learn everything about this product.

Coffee distributors

Delsams Torrefacció Artesana de Cafès is a coffee distributor from Lleida for shops and hospitality businesses, as well as for individuals in a direct sales store.

Delsams roasts its coffee in a traditional way and guarantees the quality of its product, as it distributes its coffee using its own resources and has the latest technologies in packaging and storage.

Delsams sells a selection of traditional espressos, coffees for the hospitality industry, gourmet coffees and decaffeinated coffees in different formats, as well as sugars, teas and infusions, chocolates and soluble cocoa.